Meet Us

We are, Polly Moore & Shaun Treloar, partners in all things.

Polly took some time out to write a script many moons ago in quiet of the Sussex countryside, healing a period of burnout from the film industry and London, and soon after Shaun, also a filmmaker, moved into their circular tower on a hill in the South Downs.

The folly became a haven for all kinds of friends who needed time in nature, to feast on good organic food and an alluring landscape to explore.

So, they had an idea ….

They found Tilton House, a few fields away, took a lease and a risk and renovated the tired historic house that was once home to John Maynard Keynes, and only a few minutes from Charleston Farmhouse to set up growing their own modern Bloomsbury Group; Attracting writers, artists, sculptors and wellbeing experts, before wellness was even a concept.

They hosted retreats that became so popular, were booked out two years in advance, and caught the eye of the press. They drew guests from all walks of life to attend nature immersion retreats. Their mission was always simple:- To gather a collective in a natural environment, celebrating adventure, creativity, nature and to offer insights into the joys of sustainability.

Post-covid they out-grew their space. They were drawn to the magic of Cornwall to find somewhere special for their business, clients and family, and at the same time, Erth Barton had been waiting for the ideal custodians,, to lavish it with love and fill it with stories…

“It was not just the seclusion that drew us to this spot, but also the lack of ostentation, the position of the house on its own peninsula, the vernacular of granite and slate, a sense of solidity and calm here, where space is held in nature as it has been since the medieval period on this unspoilt landscape, - no road noise, no bustle, and surrounded by wildlife.” The attraction was also the community of growers, artisans, and creative entrepreneurs.

The luxury at Erth is not just the high linen thread count, but the incredible river views from all rooms, rumour has it that the house was once a monastery and now furnished minimally with an eye for calm.

Wanting to honour the landscape and planet, we’re working on a long-term plan to serve nature better. “We are keen to connect and collaborate with experts in sustainability to listen to their stories, and action a better impact. We’re keen to talk about real innovations with our landowners around greenhouse gas reduction and the problems with taking on a large graded historic property to fit in with the modern world. “

“We have had the joy of collaborating with heart led practitioners, and forward focused luminaries and are keen to meet more who call Cornwall their home.”

“We have a huge vision for Erth Barton, supported by the landowners to grow a retreat, which captures the heart of every guest to foster a relationship with nature and the natural world, because in order to heal the planet, we need to get up close and personal with it, so we care enough to change our habits and behaviours.”


Our retreats have featured in