Why Erth ?

Apart from the fact that ERTH is nestled deep into nature, almost encircled by a tidal river with Dartmoor on the horizon.

Where the egrets fly to a four mile stretch of white sandy beach. Where there are private walks on land surrounded surrounding the house farmed respectfully without sprays. Close to mythical sites with stone circles and fringed by coastline and a sign that the Earth is pure here and the air is pure here is found in the lichen covering the oaks as you walk along the river.

As if this is not reason enough to come to this forgotten corner of Cornwall, perhaps be deeply assured you’re in the capable hands of hosts with 17 years of experience in running and creating retreats. Who set up one of the first retreat centres, Tilton House in Sussex lauded by the press, who after a two year search to find the perfect venue, landed here on Erth.

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